Carpel tunnel syndrome is one of the most common condition affecting the hand. People with this condition might often feel pain, numbness, and general weakness in the hand and wrist.
What are Some Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Initial symptoms include:
- Numbness at night
- Tingling or pain in the fingers
Rather, as a few people sleep with their wrists curled, nighttime symptoms are very common and can wake people from their sleep. These symptoms are considered the first reported symptoms. Shaking the hands helps relieve symptoms initially.
Daytime Symptoms Include:
- Tingling in fingers
- Decreased feeling in the fingertips
- Difficulty using the hand
How Can Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Be Treated?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is treatable in two ways: non-surgically and surgically. There are pros and cons to both these approaches. Basically, non-surgical treatments are used for mild to moderate cases and enable you to persist with daily activities devoid of any interruptions. Surgical treatments can assist in more severe cases and have optimistic outcomes..
  If you're thinking about getting treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome in Bhubaneswar, it's important to seek advice from a skilled specialist such as Dr. Saurav Nanda. Dr. sauarav Nanda, a respected orthopedic surgeon in Bhubaneswar, can offer expert support during the treatment journey, assisting you in reaching your desired outcomes.